My funny Valentine

 Maybe not in one of the most romantic places, the vegetable department of the supermarket. A man surprises his woman with a single beautiful rose for Valentines day. She sees the rose and says: “you brought me just one flower? Just one?” And the guy replies: “But it was very expensive!” She mutters on about one flower being to little… And doesn’t get the point.


“Het is belangrijk voor mij” zei ze. Ze zwaait met haar sigaret als een toverstok. Met harde woorden vertelt ze over zachte zaken terwijl rook langzaam mee drijft met haar adem.  In haar glas zit kruidenthee in haar buik een kind, ze vindt het belangrijk dat de nieuwe buggy in de auto past. Dat is belangrijk voor haar.

Before it starts to rain


Before it starts to rain

I need to clear the lines

Have to set the signs

Before it starts to rain


Before it starts to rain

I need to build my fort

Fight for what I’m worth

Before it starts to rain


Before it starts to rain

I have to get my clothes inside

Set up a place to hide

Before it starts to rain.


Before it starts to rain

I need to sit outside a bit

And think about the fire I lit

Before it starts to rain